Happy Mother's Day & Shopping
Monday, May 11, 2009
12:55 AM
First of all , I want to wish my mummy Happy Mother's Day ! Well , you guys must be wondering how I spent my day , or perhaps , how do I celebrate mother's day . To be honest , I never celebrate or buy her any presents . I don't know how should I explain this but whatever . Mum said she don't want us ( referring to my two brothers and me ) to spend money on unnecessary stuffs . Even if yes , she wants us to use our own money instead of using the pocket money that she gave . Okay so basically , we just went shopping in JJ . Supposingly window shopping.. but ended up spent quite a lot lol .

Then , when passing by SEED , I saw this 'oh-damn-cheap tank top' and have the urge to get one . No no wait . Not one . I want all but too bad I don't bring much money ! So I took all 3 to the fitting room and try one by one . I couldn't make up my mind even after I walked out from the fitting room . After much hesitation , I finally decided to take the yellow one .

After paying I straight away go to PA ( Padini Authentics ) and guess what ! Shit yeah shit . I saw loadsa tanktops and camisoles ! What turf I bloody love tank top , so naturally I stepped in . They have wide range of selection , from camisole to tanktop to singlet to T-shirt to blouse and more . The price are quite reasonable too ( around 19bucks - 39bucks ) . So I chose a tank top , well the tag wrote tank top but it's not so tank topish compared to the yellow one lol . In fact it's more like a combination of camisole and tank top .

And oh yeah , the yellow tanktop costed 23bucks with some printings on top , and the one I bought in PA ( pinkish red ) costed 19freakingbucks only ! I think they're having sales now that's why lots of bloody nice tanktops don't have S size anymore what turf .

Okay so after buying all the crappy tops , I went over to second floor to find mom . While finding her , I passed by the place that sells swimming suits and hell yeah I saw a damn cute and vintage one-piece swimming suit . I can tell it's really really vintage and cute because it catches my eyes from far . It's the only one left so I feel like getting it but mom said I couldn't fit in because it's for kids what turf . Whatever but I like it so damn much and it's quite cheap too ( 33bucks , around that price ) . Anyways I didn't buy because I know I'm way too big to fit into such a small swim suit ;( . Hell .


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